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Date: November 14, 2024

Venue: HUN-REN Research Center for Natural Sciences, 1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2

Organizer: Dennis Gábor Award Winners’ Club Association

Co-Organizer: MÜTE

In recent years, the significance and role of space have dramatically increased both scientifically and economically. The goal of the conference is to organize the most comprehensive space-themed conference in Hungary in 2024. This event offers a unique opportunity for scientific researchers, space industry professionals and space enthusiasts to meet, exchange ideas, and collaborate on addressing the latest technological, business, and legal challenges.

The conference is supported by NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and several Ministries.

Key Topics

  • Space research and astronomy
  • Plant cultivation “in the sky and on Earth”
  • Space industry applications
  • Telecommunications and remote sensing
  • Education in space research
  • Earth observation technologies
  • Space law and space economy

The aim of the conference is to familiarize participants with the latest developments and innovations, and to discuss the most current issues and challenges. The event will feature presentations and panel discussions by leading professionals, held concurrently in two auditoriums over a full day.


The list of speakers and moderators includes: István Apáthy, László Bacsárdi, Diána Darczi, Bertalan Farkas, Miklós Fári, Orsolya Ferencz, László Friedrich, Attila Hegedűs, Péter Hersics, Attila Hirn, Attila Horváth, Ákos Keresztúri, Adrien Klamerius, József Kruppa, Dorottya Milankovics, Klaudia Vivien Nagy, András Roósz, Krisztián Szigeti, Gábor Uzonyi, and Christopher Vasko.

Side Events

Among the side events of the conference is an exhibition by the Hungarian Astrophotographers’ Association, where visitors can glimpse the beauty of space through stunning astrophotography.

Join us and be part of this exceptional event that will shape the future of space research and technological development!

Program: soon..

Participation in the conference is free but requires registration!
You can register for the event until november 3, 2024, by clicking the link below.




November 14.


HUN-REN Research Center for Natural Sciences
Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2
Budapest, Pest 1117 Magyarország
+ Google Map


Dennis Gábor Award Winners’ Club Association